Terms of Service

Last Modified
Thursday, Jul 06, 2023
1 year, 7 months ago

Let's try to keep this short. By using this website, you agree that:

You give us a perpetual, nonexclusive, transferable, royalty-free, sublicensable, and worldwide license to use, host, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, and display any kind of content you send to the website in connection with operating and providing our services.

This is so that you can't claim you own content displayed in the website or associated places and demand compensation later

We may terminate your account at our discretion if you break our rules, that the ultimate decision of to terminate or not an account lies with our staff, and that you'll lose access to your account and data - if any paid content was provided, no refunds will be issued.

This is to make sure we can enforce the rules and good content in the website

You agree that any problem you might have arising from usage of the website and its associated products are your own, and no responsability or liability will be incurred into the website.

This is because accidents happen, but we'll do our best to avoid them, so don't sue us

We reserve the rights to completely change these Terms at any time, but we'll warn you with 30 days in advance.

Changes to how we operate the website and related services are inevitable, so we'll change the ToS accordingly.

This website is governed by the laws of Brazil and the laws of the Espírito Santo state. You agree that any legal conflicts must be settled in the courts of Vitória, ES, Brazil.

That's where our headquarters are.

This website strictly forbids any and all usage of any of its contents, including its API and user-generated content, as input to any kind of AI, neural network or machine learning algorithm or software.

AI is going to create a massive mess and I want no part in it.

In short, obey the rules and don't ask for reparations when shit happens,
we'll do our best to offer good, reliable services and fair treatment to everyone.

Privacy Policy

Last Modified
Thursday, Feb 10, 2022
3 years ago
What information about you we store?
We store content you directly input into the website, such as comments, messages, your gamelist, reviews, friends, etc. We also store your IP and your browser's User Agent. In relation to payments, we only store metadata, such as transaction identifiers, values, payment date, email used, etc. Things like social security number, bank, credit card number, PINs, etc are not stored.
What do we do with the information store?
The content directly inputed by the user is used to provide our services, as this is a community-driven website. Your IP and User Agent are used for analytics, geolocation features, to provide security notifications about new logins to your account, as well as banning user accounts.
How and with whom we share that information
Most direct input content is publicly available in the website and the REST API and can be viewed by anyone. If the content has associated an associated privacy policy, it's only displayed to allowed users. Your IP is private and not shared with any third-party.
Advertisement and Analytics
Our advertisement and analytics partners might collect other data about you and your browsing habits not covered by this privacy policy. They are subject to their own privacy policies:

WebService / API License

Last Modified
Saturday, Jul 23, 2022
2 years, 6 months ago

We allow free usage of the REST API for non-commercial, educational or open source projects using a GPL-compatible license.

Other projects can also use the API for free under the following conditions:

The REST API may not be used by any service or product that competes directly or indirectly with any services or products provided by VGJournal.
No sub-licensing, reselling or renting
Any content retrieved through the API must be either made private in your project or made available under the same conditions of this license.
No warranty
This API is provided as-is, with no warranties. Any kind of damage, liability or problem related to usage of this API is expressely and solely the user's responsability.
Add the following text and icon to a footer, splash screen, intro video, about dialog or similar:
VGJournal Website Logo Powered by vgjournal.net
This text and icon must be visible during startup or normal usage of your product, or placed in a "credits" section that is easily reachable.

If you're in doubt on how the license applies to you or your project or if neither of these conditions are adequate and/or you desire a custom license, please feel free to contact us, we'll try to get in touch in less than 24 hours (excluding weekends).
