This page is dedicated to all the people who supported our website, whichever way they could.
This page is manually updated every few days, please wait a bit if your name is missing.
If it has been a few days and your name is still missing, it was a mistake on our side, please use the contact page to let us know and we'll fix it as soon as possible.
If you're not yet a supporter, considering becoming our patron through Patreon:
We also accept other types of support besides monetary contributions. Feel free to contact us to let us know how you can help us, and how we can help you.
Each supporter is forever [1] immortalized in this page, showing the date of their first support, a name, a link and a message of their choosing (rules apply, advertising allowed), as well as one or more titles, according to the type of support provided.
[1] Unless you do something really dumb that tarnishes your name (and ours by association), then we'll scrub our relationship existence. Thanos snapped into oblivion!