Learn about the website

VGJournal is an independent, self-funded, single-developer website comprising community, database and game-tracking features intended to cover all games, regardless of release, platform, contents and so on.

Our ultimate goal is to become a central hub for all things gaming.

The website is developed, maintained and managed by Dreiq, a random person just like any other, but that likes games a bit too much. Some of their favorite games are Deus Ex, Outcast, Dawn of War 2, Company of Heroes 2 and Metroid Prime. And yes, Dreiq wrote this about section, in third-person and all. They're just that weird.

Myanimelist.net was the original source of inspiration for this project, and so we set out the create a website as robust for gaming as MAL is for animes and manga.


The basics to help you get started

This website has an obscene amount of features and information, and more are added frequently, so here's are some suggestions for your first steps:

By the way, if you want to try the website before creating an account, you can do so at the sandbox server. You can login into the demo user using the username demo and password demo. The user and its data are deleted and recreated every day at midnight UTC. Just a heads-up, the sandbox server is weaker than the main server and might not be available during some times. Also, since multiple people might use the demo user simultaneously, weird stuff might happen.

Anyway, back to the basics on how to use the website:

Read The Rules

Read the rules

Create An Account

Go to the Register page, fill the form with the required information and click the Register button. An email with a validation link will be sent to the provided address. Open the email and click the link. Congratulations, you now have an active account! Login with your username and password, take the tour that explains the website layout and read the goddamned rules.

Populate Your Gamelist

The gamelist tracks the games you own or played, and is sort of a central HUB for all your game-tracking information.

We'll eventually offer tools to import your collection from various gaming stores, but for now you have to do it manually - but at least nowadays you can do it in bulk!

You can add a game to your gamelist in three ways:

(1) Through the game's page
Go to the game's page, click the button near the game's title and fill the form with the relevant information. Done!

(2) Directly on your gamelist
Go to your gamelist page, click the Add Game button, type the game's name on the popup's text input, click the game's name when it appears, then the Add bulk button, you'll be taken to the complete gamelist form. Fill with the relevant data, save it and you're done!

(3) In bulk
Since update 1.18, you're now able to add games to your gamelist in bulk. Simply go to your gamelist page, click on the button and correctly fill the displayed form.
Remember to read the article linked at the top of the bulk page, otherwise you might have some trouble using the bulk editor.

Check Out The Game Dashboard

Once you have an account and are logged in, you can check any game's dashboard by going to the game's page and clicking the dashboard button.

There you can find a summary of all your information related to that game, such as copies you own, sessions you've played, playthroughs, achievements and more, as well as manage each of these topics.

Explore Other Gaming Features

If you look at the Gaming section of the User Menu, you'll find some more game-tracking features, like wishlists, game sessions, game keys, your hardware collection and more. They all work similarly to the Gamelist feature, we're confident you can understand how they work on your own!

By the way, a special note about Playthroughs:

Whenever you set the playthrough as Collaborative and its status as Completed, its completion time will be used to estimate the length of the game. This will help users finding games that are as long or short as they want!

Mingle With The Community

The website also offers various community features, like a journal (hence the name), reviews, game recommendations and more. Go around, explore stuff - don't be afraid if something breaks, it sometimes happen. We're always monitoring stuff, but sending a report may help get it fixed even faster!

Contribute To The Database

This website is powered by community. Each of the tiniest pieces of information helps make this a more complete, better website. If you want to contribute to the website, we'll be ecstatic, but be aware that we aim to have the highest standards, so don't take it personally if your edit is undone or re-edited, it might've contained incorrect information or didn't stick to our standards.

Anyway, if you feel you're ready to contribute, read the Contributing section of this help page, or at least the revelant bits, and start contributing!

The top contributor of each month gets nothing (other than our gratitude)!


Some quick questions and answers

What is this site?

VGJournal is a gaming community, database and tracker intented to cover all games, regardless of release, platform, contents and so on.

Community features include boards, recommendations, reviews, journals, etc.

Database features include game modes, contents, releases, developers, similar games and a bunch more stuff. We also store some information about gaming hardware, companies, franchises and people in the gaming industry.

Tracked contents include gaming library, wishlist, achievements, playthroughs, game keys, game sessions and owned hardware (such as consoles, pc builds, accessories, etc).

Who built this website?

I built this site. And by I, I mean Dreiq. Who's Dreiq? It's me, and that's all you need to know.
Check the staff page for more info.

Is there a dark theme available?

Yes. We automatically get your theme preference from you system (if available), or you can manually toggle it by clicking the Toggle Dark Theme button on the Quick Menu at the top-left of all pages. If you change the theme, you'll need to delete cookies or wait for the theme cookie to expire in order to auto-detect again.

What's the difference between Reviews and Opinions?

You know how user reviews usually do a poor job of criticizing the product and are more often used as a way to simply express the user's feelings? We wanted to avoid these situations and encourage users to write thoughful criticism, while still allowing them to express themselves. Our solution, then, was to split reviews in 2 categories: opinions and reviews.

Opinions don't follow any rules (other than the general, site-wide rules), are freeform and unmoderated. Anything goes, pretty much. Gag reviews, meme reviews, rage-induced reviews. The downside is that they're not shown anywhere else other than the game's opinions page.

Reviews, on the other hand, are more visible: they're shown on the home page and there is a section dedicated to user reviews. However, reviews have minimum length requirements, extra rules and are moderated, meaning they can be removed if their content is not adequate and up to standards.

What is the Community Score?

The community score show how much an user has contributed to the website. You gain points mostly by adding information to the database and reporting problems. We plan to offer rewards for users with high community scores in the future, but for now, they're only for bragging rights.

Why does the design suck?

I'm a programmer, not a designer. Most of the styling is pre-made stuff from Fomantic-UI, with some custom programmer art and design for that *chef kiss* tasty appearance and experience. Someday we'll improve it.


Rules and guides on how to contribute to the website

Currently, the best way to contribute is by adding games and other information to the database. You can do this by opening any page in the Database section of the navbar and clicking the button at the top right of the page.

You can also edit existing information by clicking the button or icon in most pages. These buttons/icons might occasionally be hidden in order to improve page layout; hovering over the relevant element, such as a table's row, will show the edit icon/button.

Before adding or editing database information, please take some time to peruse the contributions guidelines.

Other forms of contributing include reporting bad users and content, requesting new features or changes to existing ones, sharing the website with others, engaging in community activities, such as submitting news pieces and making and requesting game recommendation, and generally just using the website!

In particular, though, if you're a designer or UI/UX expert and wouldn't mind working for free, we definitely need one.

VGJournal is currently closed-source, so code contributions aren't possible at the moment.

Check out Supporters page for a list of supporters and more information about how to support us!


Solutions for common problems

How do I report a problem?

Every page has a Report button, on the bottom-right if you're on desktop, or the bottom of the page if you're on mobile. Click that button and a form will popup. Select the problem type, tell us the URL of the page where it happened (it will auto-fill with the current url), describe the problem and, if a solution is known, fill that as well. We'll fix it as fast as humanly possible.

The report function can be used for multiple purposes: reporting bugs, wrong data in the database, users violating the rules, grammar and formatting errors - pretty much any problem can be reported!

My validation email has not arrived

I swear, these goddamned emails keep breaking... Anyway, check your spam folders and wait for a few minutes. If the email still hasn't arrived, go to the login page, click the Forgot your password? link, put your email in the text box and hit the send button, we'll send you a new validation email. If you still doesn't get the email, use the report feature to let us know.

A change I made is not appearing

For performance reasons, some parts of the website are only updated after a set amount of time (usually 5 minutes). You can usually find an icon there to let you know, but we might have missed some places. So wait a bit, and if the changes still don't appear, it might be a bug, so use the report feature to let us know.

Why is my playthrough not counting towards the average completion time?
Some playthroughs are not counted towards the average completion time since they might askew the result. To be included, make sure of the following:
The playthrough is marked as Collaborative.
The playthrough status is set to Completed.
The mode is either "Campaign / Story" or empty.
The time is greater than 0.
The playstyle is not "speedrun".

Once the playthrough is updated and all these criteria are fullfilled it will be automatically counted towards the average completion time.

The layout is fucked-up for mobile users

Okay, hear me out. I develop this on a desktop, and I only browse the web on desktop, so sometimes I forget to test a page on mobile platforms. If you find a problem, use the report feature to let us know and we'll fix it ASAP.


Obey the law, citizen!

For the full rundown of the rules, punishments and some tips, check the rules page, but in general, don't be an asshole and everything will be fine.

Bureaucracy abounds

You can read our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and WebService API License on the ToS page.

Legal stuff is always a pain in the ass, but we tried to make it as simple and short as possible.


Clearing up confusion about terms and expressions

For clarifications and to make sure everyone is on the same page, we made a small glossary containing words that are a bit unusual or often have multiple meanings.

Term Definition See Also
Add-On Refers to a single piece of official extra content for a game. Things such as extra characters, items, maps, etc.
Add-on Bundle Various add-ons gathered together in a single bundle. These bundles may vary from store to store.
DLC Generic term for any official additional content a game receives, such as add-on and expansions - even if it's not actually in a downloadable format. Mods and community patches are not DLC.
Expansion A large, significant amount of new content for a game, usually containing new story contents. We use this term for for old-school expansions, standalone expansions, large-sized DLC, season passes and whatever else large amount of new contents offered.
Game Session Each continuous stretch of time of someone playing a game.
Gamelist That's how we call your whole games collection.
Library Same thing as gamelist
Opinion A very casual review. When users want to express their thoughts about a game but can't be arsed to make an effort to write a well thought-out text, an opinion is the way to go.
Missable Something is missable when there is a specific time window to fulfill its required conditions. For example, a side-quest that can only be completed before reaching a certain area or main mission is a missable side-quest.
Platform A computer system for executing gaming software. Games for one platform generally won't work in another.
Playthrough Represents playing a game from start to (hopefully) finish.
Port A (game) port (not the naval kind) is a new version of a game running in a different platform than the one it was originally released for.
Remake A complete rebuild of a game, using very few assets from the original. Most remakes offer total redos of the art, soundtrack and sometimes even change the gameplay.
Remaster A new version of a game (usually a port to a newer platform) that offers mostly small changes in relation to the original, such as bug fixes, slightly improved graphics or some extra contents.
Review A critical analysis of a game. We give higher visibility for reviews than Opinions, but we also expect better content from them.
Rig That's how we refer to each group of hardware you own. For example, your computer + mouse + keyboard could be one rig, and your Playstation another. How you organize your hardware is up to you.
Store Any business that sells games digitally. Stores that only sell physical copies of games are not allowed in our system.
Vendor Distribution platforms that provide specific functionality to a game - like how the Xbox environment provides achievements, or Steam provides multiplayer tools. Most vendors also have their own stores, but most stores are not vendors.

Help for using the WebService API and other technical questions

Developers! 👐 Developers! 🙏 Developers! 👏 Developers! 👏 Developers! 👏 Developers! 👊 Developers! 👏 Developers! 👏 Developers! 👏 Developers! 👏 Developers! 👏 Developers! 👏 Developers! 👏 Developers! 👏

Hum, anyway, we have a REST WebService/API that is:

  • Open (no login or API key required)
  • Free, including for commercial use (terms and conditions apply)
  • Browsable (you can try it on your browser)
  • Poorly documented (but we are working on that)
  • Intuitive and easy to use: just add an api/ prefix to the URL path of most website pages to reach its API counterpart (may not work for all pages).

You should start by reading the Getting Started article in the Developers section, but if you have any problems, suggestions, criticisms or whatever, we have a Developers channel in our Discord server - feel free to drop by and share your thoughts with us.


Special thanks for all the projects that enabled the development of this website


Íf you still haven't found the answer you are searching for

If you still couldn't find what you were looking for in this Help section, try one of the following:

Advanced Help Articles
The help articles contain in-depth articles for various topics on the website, from basic usage to contribution conventions.
Support Board
Your problem could be someone else's as well. Check the support board if someone else already had the same issue, and if you can't find something relevant, post a new topic. Hopefully you'll be answered soon!
If our support board did not solve your problem, you could try our discord channel. Though less recommended, since this makes it harder for other people to find about the same problem, it might offer a quicker solution.
Contact Form
Finally, if nothing else did the trick, or the problem is a private or sensitive issue, you can use the contact form to send a message directly to our staff.

One of these options is sure to get you the help you need (provided you can be helped after all)!

By the way, please DO NOT comment on staff or user profiles or directly message users asking for help, regardless of your website or application of choice. This makes it harder to help you and might be annoying to the person in question.


In-depth articles for various topics on the website, from basic usage to contribution conventions
