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Boxart of game Vomitoreum
Release Date
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Released, Maintenance only
PC (Linux)
PC (Windows)
Also known as
Body Horror
Exploration Heavy
Average Review Rating
1 review
Average Gamelist Score
--% approval
Owned By
1 user
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User Reviews
Profile picture of user dreiq

A short doom-like with metroidvania. You'll shoot, jump, double-jump, dash, become a fetus to go into small crevices, collect new abilities and upgrade existing ones, fight bosses, absorb fetus essences to heal yourself and fight a bunch of grotesque enemies, do one or two side-quests for NPCs, go back to find upgrades, lose yourself then find the way forward by happenstance, and after a short while the game is over.

The art is pretty interesting (specially if you're into body horror-esque art) and movement is done well, and with a little clever usage of your skills you can even break sequence - by doing an Air Dash from a side cliff, I was able to access the snow map right after the mushroom map (normally you'd need the double jump), allowing me to get the shotgun secondary fire before I even had the shotgun itself! There are even some "secret techniques", like firing downward with the Sawed-Off (which propels you backwards whenever you fire) to increase your jump height - thought I don't remember ever needing it, even for secrets.

On the other hand, the combat was pretty bare bones - the game only has 4 weapons, with one being a melee weapon and another being a secret one, and none of them are particularly cool. The enemies are also pretty basic and have very little animation, like 3 or 4 frames, and either run at you or stay still and shoot at you, meaning side-strafing or running backwards is all you need to do to avoid getting hit. Another downside is that the map, while good for location yourself, is not particularly good for exploration, making it hard to back-track for items. The fact it can't be marked or annotated is also a downside. The story tries to be a bit different, at least thematically, but the writing ends up being a bit amateurish and feeling a bit too trope-y and edgy towards the ending. Not terrible, but not particularly good either.

Using GZDoom as an engine is also a double-edged sword: while it provides a stable, optimized engine, it also offers a seemingly infinite amount of configuration options that are hard to make sense, some left-over UI and commands that had me scratching my head on how to use or why it wasn't working, as well as hidden commands that apparently weren't listed in the settings, like pressing P to change the map's textures.

All in all, an okay retro FPS that mixes genres a bit and doesn't overstay its welcome, yet devoid of any particularly interesting mechanics or moments that will make you remember it years after playing.

Memorable moments: going into the abyss, where there is no map and you can't see shit. It would have been a great level if the flashlight mechanic - a flying light-emitting mandrake-like that follows you - didn't get stuck or left behind every other corner, leaving you in complete darkness 80% of the time. At least there's sort of a workaround: turn into a fetus and the mandrake will remain above you at all times - thought this leaves you completely vulnerable.

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Created: 182 days ago
CNAME: vomitoreum
Sort Name: vomitoreum __autosortname__
Numerical ID: 34307
UUID: 99f7b923-0cc9-4b88-a0df-67532173dd50
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