Updated 1.19 is iconic! admin · posted · edited

Because we added icons to all platforms! Get it? Haha... ha...

Anyway, this update is a bit smaller because we're still working on the BIG STUFF, so it will probably come in the next patch. Believe me, it will be worthwhile. It will be something truly new.

The most important part of this update is probably that we fixed the Sign Up page. Sorry if anyone tried to create an account and couldn't.

Though we added some features as well: the playthrough details page now shows progress bars for how much content you've completed, search automatically redirects to the best result on near-exact matches, reviews and opinions now have a details page, the feature requests page received filtering options and now displays a bit more information, and other relatively minor changes.

Well, that's all for this update.

See ya on version 1.20 (which will likely arrive in early-to-mid September)!


  • Added details page for user reviews and opinions.
  • Added filtering to the Feature Requests listing page.
  • Added progress bars showing how much of the game has been completed in a Playthrough.
  • Added the Developers sub-menu to the quick-menu.
  • Added the number of reviews counted in a game's Average Review Rating.
  • Search now automatically redirects to the best result on near-exact matches.
  • Users can now delete their journal entries.
  • Users can now delete their reviews.


  • Renamed the Special Pages to Miscellaneous.
  • Updated the Feature Requests page, now shows more information about requests.


  • Fixed a game's details page not showing the Average Review Rating.
  • Fixed the Sign Up page being broken.


  • Added icon and sortname fields to /api/platforms/ results.
  • Added updated_on field to /api/platforms/ and /api/vendors/ results.
  • Fixed /api/vendors/example_vendor/games/ endpoint returning games from vendors other than example_vendor.
  • Updated the URL of various Miscellaneous pages to match their API endpoint counterparts.
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