Moto Moto likes update 1.18! admin · posted · edited

This update is a lil' chubby. You know, a bit T H O C C. And by that I mean that we finally added the bulk-add feature!

It is currently in experimental status, so things might go awry in some situations. This also means it's a bit limited, being only usable with a few types of objects. The bulk feature also can only be used for adding new data, and not updating existing information.

We also performed some behind-the-scenes improvements to forms - you know what that means: new bugs! Probably. But hopefully not. So anyway, if you see one being sussy and not working correctly, please report it.


  • Added a notes field to game difficulty and slightly improved the difficulty display.
  • Added a Delete button when editing an existing gamelist entry.
  • Added a footer with meta information to most pages in the Database section.
  • Added definitions list support to markdown.
  • Added experimental Bulk Add feature.
    • Can add soundtracks, releases, mode contents, staff and store objects for a single game.
    • Can add gamelist entries, wishlist entries, game keys and game sessions to your profile.
  • Added Special Pages - contains various information that don't fit in other sections of the website.


  • Removed the 'Recently Played' section of the user's profile since it posed a significant privacy concern.
  • Updated the game sessions page with playthrough links.
  • Updated the gamelist page with color-code status.
  • Updated the help page.


  • Fixed a game's questions page being unreachable.
  • Fixed game sessions not being displayed in the dashboard.
  • Fixed playthroughs not loading when adding/editing a game session.
  • Fixed text in HTML <pre> tags exploding through the element.
  • Fixed the carousel sometimes redirecting while dragging.
  • Fixed the user's wishlist page showing hours/minutes since an entry was added (now shows only days).
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