Update 1.16 is live! admin · posted · edited

This updates focus on vastly increasing the number of games available in the database by extracting basic information for various games from public websites (mostly wikipedia and steam).

These games will have a warning on their pages meaning that they need to be reviewed by a staff member, since some of its information might not conform to our standards.

We also changed the home page a bit, added markdown formatting in the boards, improved gamelist filtering, improved the user registration flow and, as always, fixed some bugs.

Last but not least, we added an easy way to generate these patch notes, which was something I was forgetting to do with the previous releases. Tee-hee :P


  • Added 'ownership' field to gamelist filters.
  • Added a "Number Of Save Slots" field to Game Modes.
  • Added a "redirect to playthrough page after save" option in the game session form.
  • Added a link to the Game Dashboard to the playthrough details page.
  • Added automatic task that routinely clean invalid data in the database.
  • Added random game to games listing page and to the quick menu.
  • Added steam scraper, adds new releases and popular games to the database daily.
  • Added wiki scraper, will add around 20k games to the database.


  • Added "Elapsed Time" statistic to the Playthrough details page.
  • Added "Other" category to Game Modes.
  • Added a "Sort By" field to the filter on the game listing page.
  • Added a link to the password reset page to the "New Login" emails.
  • Added filtering and "No Data Files" category to Missing Finder.
  • Added link to game playthroughs to the game dashboard.
  • Added sorting to the filter in the user's Playthroughs page.
  • Improved Staff task management, can now mark database objects that required manual revision.
  • Improved the layout of the Game Achievements page.
  • Improved the layout of the Games and Game-Modes listings pages.
  • Improved the text style in a Game's home page.
  • Improved User registration flow (no longer redirects users to other pages).
  • Removed "add session" links from user Playthroughs listing page.
  • Updated boards to allow using markdown formatting.
  • Updated dashboard, no longer tied to having a copy of the game in the gamelist, added links to playthrough details page.
  • Updated database object pages to show a warning if it requires a revision from staff.
  • Updated Game's home pages with a list of game modes.
  • Updated Gamelist status field with a new unknown value. This change is mostly meant to allow automatic imports into the gamelist, where inferring the status might not be possible.
  • Updated help section.
  • Updated search settings, should now yield slightly more relevant results.
  • Updated the home page. I hope it's actually an improvement, but maybe it's just different.
  • Updated the landing page navbar with a game search field.
  • Updated the layout of range fields in filters.
  • Updated the top bar (where the breadcrumbs and action buttons are - not the navigation bar above). This change should make it take less space and make it more consistent around the website.
  • Updated user Gamelist summary bar to only show stats for the current filter values (does not include the "game name" dynamic filter).
  • Updated user Gamelist view to allow filtering multiple status at the same time.


  • Fixed Boards permissions not working properly.
  • Fixed duplicate games showing at the home page's "Releasing Soon" and "Recently Released" sections.
  • Fixed error where the value in duration inputs would be invalid if the time was exactly 1 hour or 1 minute.
  • Fixed game "Alternative Names" section not displaying the alternative names.
  • Fixed the "Now" buttons in date-and-time inputs inserting the wrong day.
  • Fixed the "Number Of Players" filter field on the Game-Modes listing page not working properly.
  • Fixed the background color of the light theme being black. Oops! :P
  • Fixed the filter in the Games list page ignoring the "platform" field.
  • Fixed the Gamelist table being off-screen when zoomed in.
  • Fixed the home page "Releasing Soon" section showing the wrong release date.
  • Fixed user Rigs displaying some rigs multiple times.


  • Added API link to the HTML footer.
  • Added page-size and sort parameters to Playthroughs endpoint.
  • Fixed api user Playthroughs endpoint not serializing 'gamelist' field.
  • Updated /api//playthrough/ response, field game is now an object (was a string).
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